Dedicated to Promoting and Supporting Innovators Committed to Rethinking the Future™ of their Sector

The Innovation Expedition Inc., under the direction of Stephen Murgatroyd and with the support of The Collaborative Media Group Inc., has established the futureTHINK Press as a publishing house focused on strategic thinking related to key issues which will affect all of our futures.

Using a simple approach to publishing – a high quality, quickly produced, “just in time” book sold at a low cost through just in time and virtual publishing (available both as e-books and paperbacks) – the aim is to produce books which challenge, enable, encourage, inspire, provoke and equip leaders and others seeking to lead change.

Our first book was Renaissance Leadership – Rethinking and Leading the Future , written by Stephen Murgatroyd and Don Simpson. A powerful account of new thinking about leadership and challenging taken for granted assumptions.

Our next book, Rethinking Education – Learning and the New Renaissance by Stephen Murgatroyd – the first book in our rethinking the future series. Capturing the substance of work undertaken during the last five years, this book challenges teachers, principals, school systems and policy makers to imagine a different future for our schools. The book is published in partnership with the Alberta Teachers’ Association and is intended as the first of three in a series on education. The next two Rethinking School Leadership and Rethinking Equity – are also now available.

Also available is Rethinking the Future – Six Patterns Shaping a New Renaissance . This book establishes a framework for strategic foresight and looks systematically at six key patterns which require us to think differently about the future: demographic change, economic instability, reshaping of geopolitics, environmental change, technological change and changes in the nature of identity.

Two more books have also contributed to our rethinking series. Alan Knight, PhD OBE developed his thinking about corporate social responsibility and outlines this in his book Rethinking Corporate Sustainability – If Only We Ran the Planet Like a Shop! Janet Tully, MSc and Stephen Murgatroyd – both veterans of public policy with respect to colleges and universities – offer their thinking in the provocative book Rethinking Post Secondary Education – Why Universities and Colleges Need to Change and What Change Could Look Like , which has already produced some controversy.

In 2015, we will publish a book focused on personal mastery written by Sarajane Aris and Stephen Murgatroyd which will link resilience, compassion and personal mastery. Sarajane is an experienced British psychologist who has worked nationally on compassion and adult therapy and Stephen Murgatroyd is a Fellow of the British Psychological Society. Also coming in 2015 is a textbook on how to undertake strategic foresight.

We use Lulu as our primary publisher and distribute our books on demand, printed just in time or delivered electronically. They are also available as e-books from Kindle, Lulu, Kobo. Nook and other sources in a format readily readable hand-held devices (such as any IOS or android device). This reflects one of the key value propositions of the Innovation Expedition (see, which is that it is possible to produce highly valued resources quickly, just in time, which are also quality resources.

These books also reflect another value proposition of the Innovation Expedition – that partnerships and alliances can be used to quickly leverage knowledge, insights and creative thinking to establish new ways of working. New partnerships are emerging and new books will follow.

We see these books are vehicles for conversations. They are tools for making a difference to a key aspect of a society, community or organization. They are not academic texts, but use sound research and understanding to promote a challenging conversation. As such they are intended as thought leadership publications – challenging us to think differently about the future.

They are also derived from our understanding, outlined in the book Renaissance Leadership – Rethinking and Leading the Future , that we are living in an “in between time” – the time between one way of working in a particular field and another. We think the opportunity exists to develop a new renaissance in this time, and these books are intended to help us get there. You may also want to look at our website

The Innovation Expedition Inc. is a wholly owned subsidiary of The Collaborative Media Group Inc.